"Claim Your Power to Choose"
Maria Kay Simms discussion topic is about transits.
Each planet will be introduced with how it might work in transit (bad or good,
as we choose). Then, we'll look at several charts with transits for events that
are currently prominent in the news, including the rehash of Benghazi (charts
of the attack and the main people involved in the aftermath/cpver-up),
the rehash of the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky affair with their
charts, and the charts of the two Popes who were just made saints (to show how
charts and their transits can live on years after death.
When: Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Time: Doors open at 6:30 pm. Lecture kicks off at 7 PM
Cost: $10 Walk in or Call in; Free to Members; Students $5
Where: The Roundabout Diner Conference Room, Portsmouth Traffic Circle, Portsmouth, NH
For more information email us at seacoastastrological@gmail.com
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